Olmsted Family History and Genealogy of Non-Emigrating Ancestors and Relatives in Essex and Hertfordshire Counties, England, 1500-1750
Compiled by Roger Orley Olmsted, Sr.
This publication brings together many years of research by Roger Olmsted of his family heritage from fretting out records and documents in archives, libraries, and governmental offices in both New England and England and presented in readable but academic style.
In his introduction, Roger states his desire to produce a quality family history and genealogy that goes beyond records, placing people in context with the times in which they lived by document facts that are not common knowledge and to determine relationships fully including reviewing material published and unpublished by prior researchers that is supplemented with new onsite research from a variety of sources in England and New England.
For consistency, the family name is spelled Olmsted in this book though historical documents and references also spell the name as follows: Hawnstead, Hownsted, Humpsted, Hampstead, Hampsted, Homsted, Homstead, Hompsted, Holmestead, Holmsteed, Olmstead and other variations.
During three visits to England, Roger was able to locate many records that pertain to the family and bringing them together along with maps and other illustrations to tell the story of a family that was typical in the 13th to the 17th century and tie them to what is consider the “homestead” of the Olmsted family. The manor farm home dating to the 1300s is still occupied today where the Kiddy family has welcomed guests since the 1930s.
Roger presents an extensive discussion of the early English, non-emigrating ancestors of James and his nephew Richard, founders of Hartford and Norwalk and head to the two primary Olmste(a)d lines in America. This is followed by a short general discussion of the great migration of the 1630s followed by a more detailed examination of six Olmsted family members who did immigrate as a group on the Lyon in 1632.
The text of the volume concludes with an examination of the second and third generations in America aided by a standard numbering system to include multiple immigrants and non-emigrating collaterals linked to the family.
Data accurately supplemented with footnotes. In addition to three appendixes, there are 51 illustrations including photos, maps, charts, tables, and chronologies to aid the reader and a user-friendly index.
A limited edition of this important 526 page, 6×9 cloth bound work has been published by the compilers family. The cost is $30 postpaid by personal check or PayPal from Roger Olmsted II, PO Box 195, Conyers, GA 30012; [email protected].
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Olmste(a)d Family Association, 2017-2025
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